Spencer Carpenter

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Spencer Carpenter is the founder of Outlier Audio, a full-service podcast booking agency that represents talented entrepreneurs, authors, and investors, specializing in real estate investors. Prior to being in the podcasting space, Spencer spent over a decade working in the music industry, taking on various roles including talent management and representation, event and festival organizing, record label head, and more. Spencer's pivot to the podcasting space came when the music industry shut down due to COVID-19 and he saw a need to help entrepreneurs, investors and business professionals get on to the new medium as a way to continue growing their businesses.

Since 2020, Spencer has booked nearly 2,000 interviews that have garnered millions of listens for over 250 talented entrepreneurs, business professionals and investors. His clients range from solopreneurs, to published authors, investment funds with over $1B under management, Inc 500 companies, and Top 10 Keynote Speakers, all using podcasts to grow their businesses.

Spencer has been featured on podcasts such as Entrepreneurs on Fire, The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, Grounded Content, B2B Community Builder Show, Winfluence and more. He’s also the host of Questions with a Podcast Booking Agent, a podcast where he answers questions from his LinkedIn Community with quick and actionable advice on how to get booked on podcasts, dos and don’ts, and industry trends.